向2023-24年度基金捐款的最后一天是 6月30日星期日. 如果你还没有,请今天就加入进来!
GA’s Family Centered 招生过程 ensures that prospective families and students are provided with the thoughtful information they need to best understand our program, 哲学, 和社区, 而父输入, school information and admission assessments help us get to know each applicant. Our goal is to ensure that our students are in the best position possible to be both happy and successful at GA by learning as much as we can about them, and by offering them the opportunity to learn about our private school!
作为我们社区的一员, all students complete the same admission process which is developmentally aligned between the 年龄 of the applicant and the division to which they are applying.
传统的入学年级包括名, 幼儿园, 5年级th 年级,6th 年级,7th 年级和9年级th 年级. Non-Traditional entry grades have limited space availability which is typically based on attrition. GA不接受12年级的申请
如果你想成为 第一轮 of admission decisions for December notification, your admission file 必须 完成于 12月1日. 我们建议的时间表如下:
All applications whose admission files are complete after 12月1日 will be considered in our 滚动录取 程序和通知将于1月份开始. 请注意-我们通常会填满我们的9th grade spaces in our 第一轮 so we encour年龄 you to follow our suggested timeline. 所有其他年级的录取在全年进行.
To learn more about how to apply, please select the appropriate division.
vwin德赢娱乐欢迎各种背景的学生. If you would like either translation or interpretation services during the admission process, please 点击这里 向招生办公室发送电子邮件请求. 谢谢你!!
vwin德赢娱乐 is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in all aspects of our community’s actions and relationships on any basis including but not limited to race, 宗教, 祖先, color, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 家族的地位, 残疾, 退伍军人身份或国籍. 根据第九条的要求, GA does not discriminate in the consideration of applications for admission on the basis of sex.
向2023-24年度基金捐款的最后一天是 6月30日星期日. 如果你还没有,请今天就加入进来!